Sunday, February 10, 2008


The American Heritage, third edition, defines plagiarize as " to use and pass off as one's own (the ideas or writings of another)". Plagiarism is also the use of someone else's ideas or work without giving clear credit to them. In our society today, plagiarism is a major deal. People's reputaions have been ruined becuase they were accuse of plagiarism. Some have lost their jobs. Plagiarism is even punishable by law if the item being plagiarized was copyrighted.
To me, plagiarism is using someone else's work without giving them "clear credit," whether it is thier creative thought or hard work. It seems unfair that one person should do work and another take their work, make it sound better and get credit for it. If the original creater were acknowledged by the borrower of their work, clearly or in writing, then the use of a borrowed idea is not plagiarism. If the borrower forgets or just doesn't care about the original source, it is plagiarism.

A link on plagiarism if you're interested.

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