Monday, February 18, 2008

The lead for : Interview with Rosemary Armao

A brief look into the life of Rosemary Armoa gives hints on how she settled at the University at Albany. From our little chat in a classroom setting, with other conversations going on, I found that Armao's passion for traveling has taken her to many places. To name a few, she has been to all but five U.S. states, Bosnia, where she was living before coming to Albany, and Uganda.

1 comment:

Rosemary Armao said...

First of all, you MUST get the name spelled right. That is a disastrous error. This is not a bad angle to take on a profile of this person but there are others -- first semester at UAlbany, perhaps.

Part of mastering the art of interviewing is to be aware of your own style and personality -- and to use you. You are very soft-spoken which forces your interview subject to lean in toward you and sometimes ask you to repeat the question. This kind of automatically makes the subject want to help you -- to please you. It means that you probably can ask more difficult and sensitive questions and they will answer. Try to take advantage of this.